String Theory (Brain Edition)

What if your brain cells were thought of to be connected in a string manner with each cell having slightly different characteristics and as they connect as a network it becomes like a tangled ball of yarn, with each cell touching and signaling resulting in what makes us different neurologically. If you picture each of us starting out with a long piece of yarn (each fiber a cell) containing a slightly different chemical signaling makeup (think of a rainbow colored yarn where the color fades into each other) then you can imagine how a slight change in a protein expressed or a chemical released in each cell can contribute to different networking make up. Each of us have a brain network, or have the string tangled up differently to make up the shape of our brains. Different connections of cells give us our uniqueness and make up our memories and give us our function as human beings. We are somewhat similar and that is why different areas of our brains are active during some activity. We know that there is more to that and that we are all different. Why are some people better at math? Maybe some area of cells are connected to a different area of cells in a way that helps them think of numbers a certain way. We know that this makes sense, but I want to know the differences on the cell signaling level. Thinking about the cells as a string could help us characterize and organize which cells connecting to which means what. If the green cell connects to the pink cell, what does that mean? What if the green cell is connected by two other cells in between? It takes longer for it to communicate, making it harder to carry out that task.

Just an idea that came to me. Maybe this is some way to visualize brain networks? To me visualizing it with all of the cells in chaos just confuses me.