The beginning of the beginning

Right now I am lucky enough to be doing what I love most, learning. I am part of the PREP program at UNM and I get to prepare myself for graduate school and find myself in the process. I realized that I want to be free with learning and not have to learn about one subject only. I believe that biology is the best field for this because you can learn about life on all different scales and put it all together and discover what the world is all about. I am learning about cell biology and genetics and I would love to learn about life on the macro scale. The world is so beautiful and to be able to study it, look at it under a microscope, watch it with your own eyes, is just awe inspiring.

I can’t wait to write about all that I learn, all that I think, and see if I can look back at my blog and see where my crazy ideas came from. I will probably be talking to you soon from San Antonio (SACNAS conference! WOOT)
